Tuesday, May 8, 2007

The Milting Effect

The continuous milting of ice will cause in rise in sea levels up to 20 feet’s, leading to serious floods and as the scientists measured many countries and costal cities are facing a danger of drowning and massive parts of land will be covered by the water. Milting of ice in many other places like in top of the Himalaya Mountains is threatening Nepal and Bhutan. Scientists discovered 20 frozen lakes in Nepal and also discovered 24 frozen lakes in Bhutan and these lakes are facing a danger of milting and if that happen Nepal and Bhutan will face the danger of floods and loose of land and farms and the destruction of the economical sources in these two countries.

Effects of Global Warming

There are many effects of Global Warming, for example melting of the ice in the North Pole and the South Pole also may lead to many problems in the world. Many dangerous deceases speared in some countries carried by harmful insects like mosquitos, cockroaches and other harmful insects because of the high levels of heat diseases like Malaria, high fever and others are spread. Many people died because of the extreme heat waves and the scientists has measured that in the future many people may die because of continuous heat and the lakes and rivers water will evaporate in fast way which will leave behind a massive dried areas and people will suffer the lake of water. The Global Warming will change the current climate on the earth and the exotic gasses may spear faster polluting the air all over the world.

The Green House Gases

The most known cause is the green house effect and that happens when the sunlight reaches the earth, it warms it up and some of it get absorbed and most of it reflected by the earth as longer waves than the usual sunlight is. Some of the reflected sunlight is absorbed also by the atmosphere before they are lost in the space but the green house gasses absorbs it more and act like a mirror and resend it back again to the earth which keeps the earth more warmer than the normal rate because the heat is kept in the earths atmosphere and the main reason behind it is the human behavior.

Some causis of Global Warming

Most of the causes are made by the human because of his long steps in development and the plans he settled to reach his goals and make them come true, but on account of whom?
It’s on account of the earth and the continuous procedure in massive distraction of the natural sources like cutting down the plants to create the enough space to build a factory, or new roads throw the forests and the natural barriers and the unlimited depend on the fossil fuels as source of energy leaving behind a great amount of (CO2) in the air. The smog that is lifted helps in trapping the heat in the atmosphere which leaded to be on of the many other causes of global warming.

Friday, April 20, 2007

What is the Global Warming

Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of the Earth’s near surface air and the oceans in the recent decade and it keep continuing. The Global average air temperature near the earth rose by 0.18c during the last century. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) concludes, “Most of the observed increase in globally averaged temperatures since the mid-20th century is very likely due to the increase in anthropogenic green house gas concentrations which leads to warming of the surface and lower atmosphere by increasing the green house effect. Other phenomena such solar variation and volcanoes have probably had a warming effect from ancient times to 1950, but cooling effect since 1950. Climate models referenced by the IPCC predicted that global surface temperatures are likely to increase by 1.1 to 6.4c between 1990 and 2100.

Monday, April 2, 2007

Me, myself and I ..

My name is Khalifa Salem Mohammed Khalifa AL Romaithi , I am 21 years old and studying in the place that I wished to study most, the Higher Colleges of Technology. I graduated from high school in June 2005 and applied to the college to continue my higher studies.

I got some work experience because of working in several places during the summer time like, the municipality, police, and the job I enjoyed most being a coach in the Sammaliah island for a group of 20 trainers, train them and teach them how to sale in the jolly-boats.

I am interested in motor bikes (ATV’s) and riding the sand dunes by bike. My other interest is also Jet Ski riding and I like sea sports also. In my leisure time I usually play the oud with my friends and try to create new tunes.

Now I am trying to concentrate on my studies and I wish to gradate from the college with a high diploma in Business Information Technology to get a proper job and get married.