Friday, April 20, 2007

What is the Global Warming

Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of the Earth’s near surface air and the oceans in the recent decade and it keep continuing. The Global average air temperature near the earth rose by 0.18c during the last century. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) concludes, “Most of the observed increase in globally averaged temperatures since the mid-20th century is very likely due to the increase in anthropogenic green house gas concentrations which leads to warming of the surface and lower atmosphere by increasing the green house effect. Other phenomena such solar variation and volcanoes have probably had a warming effect from ancient times to 1950, but cooling effect since 1950. Climate models referenced by the IPCC predicted that global surface temperatures are likely to increase by 1.1 to 6.4c between 1990 and 2100.

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